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For the specialist, market trader and farm shop

You will find the most beautiful fruit and vegetables appropriate to the season at the ultramodern Cash & Carry locations in Breda, the UK, and Kerkdriel (Pick-up Point). Together with you, we aim for the maximum taste experience tailored to the consumer. Assess, taste and immediately buy the daily amount of fruit and vegetables for your point of sale. Fresh from the field to the customer.

Choose from products directly from regular growers in the country. For example, choose our bananas from the ripening plant in the desired colour or our overseas products from our own import channels. The highest attainable quality is central. With the tastiest fruit and vegetables from the best regions, supplied by growers who select varieties for quality, you as a specialist make the difference and this ensures continuity in your business. Available per package for the specialist, market trader or farm shop.

Many of our products are delivered tailored for optimal freshness. The sales team is ready for you early on!

Some impressions

de Groot fresh group visualised

Solutions to grow

Get to know our effective solutions

Products direct from the grower

Assess, taste and buy

Available immediately per package

Optimal freshness

Want to know more about our solutions for Specialist?

Our team of experts are at your service